The Blessing of Marriage

God instituted marriage between one man and one woman in the Garden of Eden, before sin became a problem.

God’s design for marriage is meant to draw us closer into His own bosom. In Ephesians 5, Paul calls this out:

This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 

Ephesians 5:32

In marriage, God paints a picture of His own devoted love for us, His people. His commitment to us is eternal. Earlier in Ephesians 5, just a couple verses above the one quoted, Paul exhorts husbands to love their wives “as Christ loved the church”. Paul points to Christ’s self-giving love as the model that husbands ought to follow in marriage.

A High & Heavy Calling

This is hard! Marriage is a high and heavy calling. It is not something we enter into casually for some temporary benefits. It is a promised commitment for the long haul and it will drain us more than anything else could. Few things compare to the difficulty of marriage. And yet, few things compare to the sanctifying grace of marriage.

God uses marriage in our lives to grow us in the love that He calls us to.

The Joy of Marriage

While marriage is certainly hard, it is also an immense joy. There is security in marriage that can’t be found in other friendships because the commitment is so strong. God brought men and women together for many reasons, prominent of those being the need for companionship and alliance (Genesis 2:18).

Strong marriage equips men and women to love God and other people well. Marriage is an antidote to the dangers of a solitary life (though it isn’t the only antidote).

God’s Blessing for Our Joy and Growth

God has instituted marriage to glorify Himself. But His goodness shines through because it also blesses us. Whether you are married now, are on the road to marriage, or hope to be some day, let’s take time to thank God for the blessing of marriage, with all its joys and hardships.