Digital Weights

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1

What drags us down? What weight do we need to toss overboard so we can sail freely?

There are many things that distract us from our life of faith and focus on God. In this age though, there is something that is particularly “heavy”: digital technology.

Smartphones, social media, and the internet can so easily add weight to our lives that make it hard to run with endurance the race of faith. That’s not to say they are bad things in themselves. There is a lot of good that can be done with those tools.

Our digital screens demand so much attention and they are easier to pay attention to then good books, other people and Scripture itself.

Setting boundaries and limits on how we use and consume digital technology is an essential part of enduring faith. We must keep our eyes fixed above (Colossians 3:1) and throw out distractions that slow us down in our walk with Jesus.

Consider some of these ideas:

1. Set time limits on your social media use. Use a timer to control the amount of time you spend consuming social media and the internet.

2. Ask yourself why you use the digital technology you use. Dig down to the heart of what you’re seeking to gain from it.

3. Practice intentional rest from technology. Maybe consider leaving your smartphone at home while running an errand if you can. Block out one day a week where you can be completely off of social media or your devices. Consider a digital “fast” of some kind.

4. Don’t start your day with tech. Ease into digital tech use as you start your day. We have the habit of checking our phones as soon as we wake up. Practice self-control and wait to do so until later.

There are many other ways to set boundaries on our digital technology. Consider what works best for you and then implement it.